Serving diverse healthcare stakeholders for better outcomes and lower costs
Partnering with healthcare brokers, consultants, TPAs, stop-loss, PBMs, captives and more to serve 500+ entities.
Employers, Brokers and Agents
PriceMDs works with employers, healthcare brokers, consultants, TPAs, stop-loss, PBMs, captives and more.
PriceMDs offers two powerful solutions — NearCare™ Cost Containment and Treatment Cost Containment — designed to significantly reduce healthcare expenses for self-insured plans. These stand-alone, voluntary programs integrate seamlessly with any existing plan, allowing employers and plan sponsors to save approximately 50% on the most expensive components of their plans. Employees can continue using their current health plan as usual or opt for our bolt-on solutions, where their out-of-pocket costs are waived by the employer.
NearCare™ Cost Containment: Introducing ValueCare™
The greatest savings that PriceMDs generates for employers and their employees comes from the most commonly performed, but very expensive elective surgical procedures. PriceMDs trademarked this service; ValueCare™.
With no hidden costs, our bundled episode of care pricing eliminates unanticipated mark-ups. Savings are apparent to the payor. For the patient this is a “free” procedure.
PriceMDs enables employers and employees to reduce the total cost of ValueCare™ procedures approximately 50% while simultaneously benefiting employees and their families with significantly expanded provider choice and access to high quality healthcare. Additionally, employees benefit from elimination of their healthcare deductibles and co-pays for participating in ValueCare™. The employer can do this because of the savings experienced by the self-insured plan.
Unlike reference-based pricing, PriceMDs bundled prices are known and agreed upon prior to scheduling the procedure. The authorized bundled price is exactly what is payed to the provider.

Treatment Cost Containment
Treatment Cost Containment is a solution for individual members of self-insured plans suffering from some of the most expensive treatments for chronic conditions. We offer all-inclusive treatment solutions that reduce by approximately 30% the total cost to employers, patients, and their plans.
Through Treatment Cost Containment, more than 220 major drugs are available to cover: hemophilia, Von Willebrand disease & related bleeding disorders, cystic fibrosis, Crohn’s, psoriasis, colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer and more.
Available via telehealth, TCC offers an alternative to members/patients from a traditional visit to the specialist.
Through a HIPAA-compliant Zoom meeting, PriceMDs’ doctors conduct a consultation with the patient, verify their medical records and treatment, and then write their script.
Simplify the plan administration of elective surgery.
PriceMDs’ directory consists of more than 600 outpatient surgery and imaging centers in 48 states performing more than 400 outpatient elective surgical procedures including over 3,000 imaging centers. The participating facilities offer all-inclusive bundled prices for the episode of care at prices that yield savings of approximately 50% as compared to prices currently paid by major health plans.
Leading the bundled medical care market
At low PEPM capitation, PriceMDs is well positioned to capture an impactful share of the bundled medical care market!
- No cost to the facility
- The facility will determine the price
- The approved rate is confidential
- PriceMDs directs additional patients to facility
- A dedicated PriceMDs care coordinator is available and involved throughout the process.
- Facility will schedule
- PriceMDs will provide the payor information to the facility
- Facility will receive bundled payment within 30 business days
Become a Part of Our Directory
PriceMDs has by far the largest bundled surgery and imaging directory in the market with a nationwide footprint.

Imaging & NearCare™
Under one hour average patient travel time.
Better Access to Healthcare & Procedures
More than 600 Outpatient Surgical Centers
Program Available in 48 States
Largest National Outpatient Footprint
3,000+ Participating Imaging Centers
Over 400 Elective Procedures Offered
NFL Alumni
A proud partner of the NFL Hall of Fame.

NFL partnership has access to our NearCare™ Solution
PriceMDs’ Surgery Solution allows for immediate access to over 6,000 qualified physicians and over 600 surgical facilities throughout the United States. These facilities have listed all-inclusive, low-cost bundled pricing for a specific episode of care for more than 400 outpatient elective surgical procedures. PriceMDs Surgical Solutions includes procedures ranging from total joint replacements to colonoscopies with virtually all surgical specialties accessible through our complimentary Nurse Navigators.
Imaging Solution
The path to recovery begins with a quality diagnosis and this is a critical first step in developing a treatment plan.
PriceMDs’ Imaging Solution immediately enables and gives you access to over 3,000 high quality imaging facilities throughout the United States who have already agreed to offer all-inclusive, low-cost, bundled CASH prices.

Our Clients
Powering Optimal Healthcare Solutions for Diverse Entities
PriceMDs serves more than 500 entities with self-funded healthcare plans, including corporations, government agencies, and institutions, and our client list is growing by more than 100 per year. While PriceMDs clients are in dozens of industries and businesses, from manufacturing to healthcare to government, they all have this in common: they want to provide the best products and services for their members while decreasing their costs. PriceMDs makes that happen!