Kathy Winston

EVP of Operations
Kathy Winston was born in Indianapolis, IN, grew up in Pittsburgh, PA, has also lived in Ohio and Arkansas and now reside in Florida. Her career began in aviation where she received a pilot’s license and became an owner of a private airport. Kathy’s next profession was a monster truck driver where she competed in racing and free style all over the U.S, Canada and Europe. Kathy then took a position at American Greetings where she achieved the position of assistant manager. Currently Kathy is V.P. of Client Services with PriceMDs focusing on helping others save on their healthcare cost. Her education consists of a A.S. in Paralegal Studies from Akron Academy, B.A.S. in Business Management and Human Resource from Arkansas State, and M.S. in Operations Management from the University of Arkansas.
“Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”
– Lao-Tze
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